Online Education

Let me walk you through our online education pathway.

Online education allows students All around the country to access quality education from qualified tutors. Here's how we do it.

Our online tutoring consists of various student-oriented components for a better learning experience.

 Interactive presentations

A good visual aid is always important for learning. Especially using technology we can create amazing visualizations for a better understanding of complex information in a simple convenient way.

Visual aids - subject-related supporting videos

Another component will be the videos that explain the concepts of science. Rather than reading what's what.. watching a well-prepared video makes the understanding easier.

Standard question papers

Our school education system evaluates the knowledge of the students by mainly written exams. It doesn't matter how much you know the concepts..if you cannot write complete correct answers for exams within a given time period. Therefore one of the main components of our programme will be answering timed exams from term to term. These question papers are mainly based on the past term test papers of various provincial zones (Western, Sabaragamu, Southern, Central) and popular school papers. 

Paper marking

When you answer questions answers will be personally marked and evaluated with a standard marking scheme and all the expected answers will be given for improvement of your answering style.

In-class assignments

In-class practise questions

Students activities

Presentations - on interesting topics

Learning isn't always about answering questions for given papers. There are other valuable skills that need to gain. Presentation skills are one of the most important. Well.. in that case here I am guiding you to become a good presenter while making sure a better learning of interesting topics of science.


It's all about motivation..isn't it?  Well in that case I got it covered 😎

Welcome to a well-guided online learning experience with a qualified professional. 


Practical sessions