Saturday, September 9, 2023

What is AI ?

 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

If a robot could clean your room for you and, if it could wash your dishes, it would be amazing, wouldn't it?


It would save time for you to watch Netflix too! So these are the products of Artificial Intelligence. But...

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a computer system's ability to work like a human. Such as decision-making, visual perception, speech recognition, translation between languages, etc.

We call robot-like things artificially intelligent because they're artificially made with human-like intelligence

Where we use AI in our day-to-day life


1. In smartphones

2. In cars

3. In washing machines

4. In social media

5. In video games

6. In banking

7. In security activities

Even though we're not aware of it we're using AI technology every day!

There are three types of AI

  1.         Artificial Narrow Intelligence
  2.         Artificial General Intelligence
  3.            Artificial Super Intelligence

Artificial Narrow Intelligence

These machines with weak AI only focus on one task

Examples:- Alphago, Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon, Spotify, Netflix, Tesla, Brad, Etc...

Artificial General Intelligence

We're slowly taking steps towards this stage


  • Self-driving cars
  • Emotech that can detect and respond to human emotions

Artificial Super Intelligence

We are far, far, far away from this step. But still, fictional robots are some examples of robots with super AI

Machine learning is used to achieve AI and deep learning is a subset of machine learning.

Who made the term Artificial intelligence?

John McCarthy [ In 1956 ] Also he's a visionary computer scientist

Ray Kurzweil predicted that by 2045 we will have robots that are as smart as humans

How technology has made our life easier

  • Asking about the weather from Alexa
  • Driving a vehicle using autopilot
  • Watching a movie using a Netflix
  • studying using the online method

How does AI help in health care?

  • Improve efficiency in hospitals
  • Identify diseases
  • Help service providers
  • Better treatments


How does AI in education?

  • Teaching the teachers
  • Identifying classroom weaknesses
  • Parent guardian conversations

How does AI help in banking?

  • Improve loan and credit decisions.
  • Tracking customer behaviour
  • Analyze customer credit histories and Data

AI robots

Digit:- A robot made to deliver packages


Atlas and Spot:- Two of the most popular AI robots in the world


HRP 5P:- A robot created to build things

Nuro:- A self-driving vehicle that transports goods safely and quickly

Fun Facts!

Now there's an AI robot with citizenship known as Sophia


There's a robot known as Omey that reads its owner's emotions

So, Everyone.. The age of AI is at your doorstep!

Article by: 

Himaya Perera /

Mahamaya Girls' College, Kandy.

Edited by: Isuru Ravisanka